Slides: Feel free to use the chat, "panelists and attendees" QnA open, will answer questions in the end if time permits |
started ~5 years ago | ~80000 lines | ||
~3700 commits | 7.02 and up | ||
89 contributors | MIT License |
![]() | |
Steampunk & abapGit |
Why? |
Modernization of the ABAP server | |
Paradigm change on how to transport in the cloud | |
Integration of ABAP & Git | |
Custom Code Migration from onPrem to Steampunk |
How It's Integrated? |
Transformation from Z- to SAP Namespace | |
Extended with Enterprise Features and adopt to Steampunk boundaries | |
Tighly coupled with abapGit ADT Plugin |
abapGit ADT Plugin |
Next Steps |
Contribution of new Restful ABAP Programming Model specific ABAP Objects | |
Merge of community version to Steampunk on a regular basis | |
Review and enhance current handler with official APIs | |
abapGit ADT Plugin will continue to be developed only under Open Source |
REPORT zfib01. PARAMETERs: p_n TYPE i DEFAULT 13. START-of-SELECTION. PERform run. DATA: r TYPE i, b. FORM run. PERFORM f USING p_n r. WRITE r. ENDFORM. ![]() |
* this form calc fibonac nu FORM f USING n r. data n1 TYPE i.DATA: n2 type i. data: r1 TYPE p, r2 TYPE f. CLEAR r1. n2 = n - 1. n1 = n2 - 1. if n = 1. r = n. ELSEIF n:= 2. MOVE n TO r. SUBTRACT 1 FrOm r. ELSE. PERFORM f USING: n1 r2, n2 r1. * PERFORM f USING n2. ENDIF . r = r + r1 + r2. ENDFORM. |
vscode |
jfilak/sapcli This tool provides command line interface for ADT which should help you to build your CI tools fidley/ABAPFavorites ABAP Favorites Eclipse Plugin andau/abapCI AbapCI is an Open Source Eclipse plugin which provides various Continuous Integration (CI) tools for the ABAP development with Eclipse | |